guy with facial dark hair wearing a hoodie looking on his left. Black and white background
2021-03-05 :: 9 min read
John Chantzigoulas
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How to integrate Redux — with Next.js and SSR
Overture Probably most of you have at least once, set up redux, with or without the use of Redux Toolkit, for a project of yours, so this will not be your typical “how-to” article about redux and react — although...
guy with piercing and a tattoo, being positive. There are also a few cups of coffee in from of him.
2021-02-12 :: 9 min read
John Lamis
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Human Error
According to Wikipedia, Human Error is defined as something having been done that was “not intended by the actor; not desired by a set of rules or an external observer; or that led the task or system outside its acceptable...
grey photo, with a guy looking on the right, quintessential logo
2020-10-16 :: 11 min read
Kostas Kopanidis
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How Fintech is changing the Financial Landscape
It wasn’t that long ago when the first contactless keycards made it into the mass market, or maybe it was and I’m trying not to feel old, but they brought one of the first major technological innovations that the public...